Fitxa d'activitat

Com millorar les presentacions científiques

11/05/2015 - 12/05/2015
Parc Científic de Barcelona
Carrer de Baldiri Reixac, 4-12 i 15
08028 Barcelona

Inici de la doble jornada “How to improve your scientific presentations” (“Com millorar les presentacions científiques”), a càrrec de Brian McCarthy and Peter Corry, Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve, organitzat per IRB Barcelona & Fundació Esteve & VHIR.

The workshop is limited to 10 participants. Acceptance on the seminar will be on a first-registered basis. To register, please send an e-mail to by 10 April indicating the following: name, surname, laboratory group, and e-mail address. You will receive a confirmation e-mail if your registration is successful.

Please take into account that this course spans two full working-days. An attendance certificate will be issued only to those who participate in the entire course. If you are registered and finally cannot attend, please send us an e-mail in order to give others the opportunity.

Més informació

Imatge: Ironpoison, Flickr
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